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The Poetry Cracker

The Poetry Cracker

Just a quick Merry Christmas message from me this week. Progress on my end of modules is, how shall we say, progressing. I've about assembled the poems I'm putting into my Poetry 1 module assignment ... this morning I've been trying to decide whether to move a poem early in the sequence to after a two-pager so that the two page one sits on facing pages, or whether to add one extra poem before it to achieve the same effect. I started compiling my bibliography list too and found some useful links to use as citations in my reflective essay.

My plan for Poetry 1 is to have the assignment ready to be submitted before the end of the year — that's the poems, the reflective essay plus something I'd forgotten about, a process document showing how the poems were edited from initial idea to submitted version.

At some point between now and the first week of January I also need to re-commit a poem to memory ... it's one of the few that is directly about my blindness. I'll be reading for 15–20 mins at Voices on the Bridge in Pontypridd (weather permitting) on 11 January 2019 and it may have the theme ‘LOST - out of darkness comes light’ so a poem about blindness would be very appropriate. I'll add it to my event pages over Christmas for anybody interested in coming :)

Nadolig llawen — Happy Christmas — I hope the Poetry Santa visits and brings you lots of lovely gifts :) xx

#Poetry #Pontypridd #VoicesOnTheBridge #Christmas

Published inblindnesscompetitions and submissionseducationPoetry


  1. Nadolig llawen! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Fröhliche Weihnachten! Okay, we’ve exhausted my languages and one of yours. LOL I hope it’s a wonderful Christmas at your house and the Poetry Santa brings you a ton of inspiration!

  2. Giles Giles

    thanks, Susan 🙂 xx

  3. Frances Browner Frances Browner

    You’re doing great, Giles, keep it up.

  4. Giles Giles

    Thanks, Frances. Hope you’re enjoying the Christmas period 🙂 xx

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